"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me." -- 1 Corinthians 13:11

Do you always feel like you are always tired and just wanted to sleep all day? Would you rather choose to sleep instead of going outside? Do you also feel excited when holiday is coming because that means you have more time to rest and of course to sleep? Well then, welcome to adulthood.
There is no clear determinant for determining when a person becomes an adult, Some say it's when you turn eighteen others say it's when you get your drivers license. One thing is for sure though to become an adult you must be mature and ready to take on the world. Being an adult means achieving a separate identity, being able to support your self and/or your family financially, and being able to provide yourself with a house or a place to call home. This means to be an adult you must become independent so that you will be provided the opportunity to learn and take responsibility for your own lives. There is also plenty of decision making in adulthood and you dont always have an elder to help you out. You must make decisions about career goals and even personal goals you must also accept responsibility for maintaining financial needs to support yourself.
As a college student, I'm doing the one thing every child dreams of, and everyone else dreads: adulting. Yes, I realize that's not an actual word, but many people have used it before to describe exactly what I'm talking about: doing responsible adult-like things and being productive. While children may see being an adult as this awesome unattainable thing, actual adults know the true struggles.
You know how things happen automatically when you're a teenager? Your dirty clothes disappear from the bathroom floor and end up clean and in your closet, food shows up in the fridge, your dishes disappear from the table, basic things like toilet paper and soap get restocked? You get new things when old things wear out? The electricity and gas and water stays on without you having to do anything about it? There's always someone on hand to help you if you're in an emergency, so that if you ever slip while showering and hit your head you won't drown in the slowly filling bathtub before someone finds your sad, lonely remains? That stops.
You should also know that you will probably lose touch with all your friends from high school after about 2 or 3 years. Especially if you all go to different colleges.You'll keep 1 or 2 if you're lucky and work at it. There are times that ypu missed them but you have no choice because your schedules are hectic and different. Many people have gone through what I'm going through now, and I'm just now realizing how stressful it really is, and I'm hating myself more and more for taking on too many things and procrastinating like crazy.


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