People settle for mediocrity in many aspects of their lives on a daily basis. We accept jobs we hate, we deal with friends who let us down and we let our significant others get away with stupid things. Why do people choose to be complacent instead of moving where there are better opportunities? “It's easier sometimes to be stuck in a familiar rut or habit, albeit a depressing one, than to look outside the habit and have a life that is more desirable.” -anonymous People are terrified of change, failure and taking risks. This is one of the main reasons people settle in life. It’s not about unrealistic goals or perfection. It is about changing the things you can to be happy, not simply drifting along in life and complaining. It is far easier to settle than it is to leave our comfort zone. I’ve made mistakes in my life. I’ve let people take advantage of me and I’ve accepted way less than I deserve. But, I’ve learned from my bad choices and even though there are some things I c...