Not feeling good enough has been an issue with me since i was a kid, and i fimd the older i get, the harder it becomes to deal with these things. Being a woman, we're naturally born to be more sensitive, to have those extra insecurities, and feel every word sometimes deeper than they were intended.
When i was a child up until now, i have lots of insecurities be it in the face, talents, knowledge and of course, having a complete family. That's really my weakest part in my self. I cried because i couldn't have what others has. Maybe because i was a child back then? But why is it up until now i am crying for the same reason over and over again? 
When you have feelings of insecurity, you doubt yourself and your abilities to cope with a problem or situation, or you fear a negative outcome. Insecurity is really the feelings that result from low self confidence.  So what can you do then if you feel insecure? I think that addressing the problem is very important as insecurity could develop into something even worse and become real fear or even panic which will cause you to avoid situations which you find difficult. Rather than avoid these situations  you should confront them and learn to overcome them. By facing your fears and accepting challenges that you find difficult, you improve your confidence level and general self esteem. Your going to need to find the inner strength to face your fears and if you do this your life will be transformed.
If you experience insecurity and lack of confidence in any situation, first ask yourself if there is any logical reason for your feelings of insecurity. If there is, look at that and ask yourself what you could do about it to feel more comfortable and relaxed in that situation. Is it a skill that you need to develop, or is it that you need to be better prepared for such a challenge? In this case, you can solve your sense of insecurity simply by watching others or learning the skills necessary to be confident in the situation you fear. One such situation is public speaking which terrifies many people. There is a skill to successful public speaking and you can learn it. Shyness is another big problem, but if you face this you can become more assertive. You must confront these challenges and not run away from them. If you run from them they will become stronger and have more power over you. 


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