Being an eldest in the family is one the hardest part in life and a responsibility to some. This is probably one of the reason why every girls and boys matured fast. They have been passed on the responsibility prior to them. They have to act nicely and independently. They must do things accordingly and properly. 

I can say all of that because I myself is an eldest in the family, though i came from a broken family, still i am the eldest both sides. Being an eldest is a good thing in some ways. For me, it became my inspiration to be good at my craft. Even though, there are times that i need to give way to my siblings because that's what an eldest do. They needed it the most rather than mine. BEING AN ELDEST MEANS SACRIFICES. There's no room for mistakes nor dissapointments. Everybody's watching you, you have to do good because one single mistakes they will all gonna judge you. They had set super high expectations towards to you than yours to yourself. 
Being the eldest child in the family puts you in a unique position. Your life changes the day your parents introduce you to your younger sibling and from then onwards, you are always expected to set the perfect example for every kid in the family. Though you get to dominate your siblings, scare them with all the crazy stuff  and have an upper hand in many situations, but this privilege comes at a price. Growing up as the oldest with a younger brother and younger sister, I have personally experienced every single one of the instances that you could describe. There are times when I wish I could trade places with one of them, and times when I thank whatever higher power put me at the top.
As the oldest, you are supposed to "know better" than your younger siblings. When you guys get in a fight, you will get yelled at for not being the more mature one. You are the assigned babysitter, and you've always watched your younger siblings for free. You are always supposed to set a good example, meaning that your parents have probably always been harder on you than anyone else. It saddens me sometimes because there are times that i also wanted to socialize with my friends or scrolling through my facebook, but i couldn't do that because i babysit my siblings. My mom will get mad if i didn't pay attention to my younger siblings and it's so frustrating. While my friends are having fun with their pbones, i am here staring blankly at the four corners of our wall watching my siblings doing nonsense stuff. 
One of the positive things about being the oldest is that there were some things only you were able to do thanks to your age. HAHA Payback time. For example, dominate them whenever you want, like you can be bossy with them at some time. But no matter what, you love them, even when they are the most annoying people in the universe. Love your little brother and sister, even if they drive you up a wall. As corny as it sounds, you're blessed to have each other, and you know it.


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